No I am not an insensitive person. But its funny! People all around me were participating in some march or the other but I dint feel like joining any coz I thought it was funny. Its funny how people are signing and spreading some online petition for death penalty. Its funny how people are holding candle light march. Its funny how people are changing their profile pics. Its funny how some women are putting status villifying each and every man for all men want to rape even if they dont try to. Its funny how men are expressing disgust and anger in their discussions. Its funny coz people just found something to take their anger and frustration out on something. Yeah its funny! Its funny coz I know where this is going to end up in a week. And I dont find that funny.

There was a time when I would be the 1st one to encourage candle light march. I was there last year in Anna's protest. And what did it come to? But then same things created some change in Middle East. So why not here? You want the answer. Then look carefully. The difference was in the intensity. The difference was in clarity. Those people were united and had simple aim for which they were willing to lay down their lives. Thats protest. Not what we are holding here when we get free time and a few friends to tag along. Thats what is funny here. Tell me people what are you asking for? Capital Punishment?I have 2 arguments against it:
1: Murder has the same penalty. So why wont the rapist just kill the girl to eliminate the eyewitness?
2: You think death is a punishment anyone would fear?

For all the supporters on social networking sites, this is an awesome tool. Use it to publicize things that needs publicity. This case is already screaming our brains out in media. And thinking about it, why is this case so horrifying? Didnt you know this was happening? Stop being the media puppets. Come to reality. And do something that actually helps. Anytime you see a girl in danger, help her. Dont be a coward then. Dont wait for someone else to act. Dont think you might die. If you aint doing something then, you are already dead.

And well.. My female acquaintances.. Acquaintances coz who know me would never say that. They will anyday be there alone with me in any vulnerable state knowing that they are SAFE. And I am not alone. There are surely many more like me. So please stop being funny. I am angry at the case but you are making me angrier. I am not ashamed of my gender. I am not going to apologize for something that some men did. Dont make it you vs us. Be human. Trust us. There are still real MEN among you.

And my male friends.. Wont you just kill those bastards if they were next to you? Now thats funny. Funny coz when you or your friends check out girls, its not a big deal. When you pass remarks, its not a big deal. And when one of your friends tells you how he's cheating on his n number of girlfriends, you call him your GURU. And then he goes onto being macho in front of you by making a girl uncomfortable, then you realize the monster you created but still compliment him coz otherwise its against bro code. And then you come and say that your blood is boiling due to such incidents. STAND up before its too late. Slap your GURU then and there. If you cant do that, walk away showing your condemnation. And understand this. The women out there dont need your chivalry. They dont need you to offer them your seats. They just need to be treated equally. They are not objects to be used. Neither are they goddesses to be worshipped. They are EQUALS. Unless this is understood, society is not going to improve. Rapes are not going to be stopped.

And before ending let me tell you: I am angry, exasperated but I am not giving up on myself or others. I still believe we can change but it has to be subtle. Stop appreciating things that need to be condemned. Stop making RAPE jokes. Stop taking advantage of someone's vulnerability. And stop thinking ITS FUNNY.


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