For most of our lives, we wear masks. Fearing the person beneath the mask. Not wanting to show our real faces. Not knowing if someone can accept us without it. Not knowing whether even we can accept ourselves without masks

These masks are sometimes our pretentious clothes, sometimes our university degrees, sometimes even our hobbies. We play sports because we like emulating the sportsmen. We identify with music sometimes coz its simply not so simple.

We connect with people who like our masks and we like theirs. But sometimes there comes a moment when that mask cracks a bit from someone’s face. Everyone around that broken mask feel something changing. Something that is not part of our world. And hence we take it upon ourselves to rebuild that mask or if that does not happen, we show the broken person the various other masks that suit him.

And then sometimes we feel our masks cracking. We start feeling a void inside. We start falling down. The air attacking our face is so violent that we refuse to realize what is befalling us. We seek to find some object to break that fall. We look longingly and fearfully towards the edge where we stumbled from. And someone meanwhile finds the perfect fit for us. We are back to the safety of our masked world.

Why do we have within ourselves such a fascination towards these perfectly matching masks. Why cant we just recognize the beauty of that naked face. Why cant we look below during our fall to see what was it that was pulling us towards it. Why cant we just take a moment and experience the fall. Experience its full power and see if its crushing us or are we simply feeling the pressure of chains releasing their hold upon us. Stop gasping for that familiar world, try breathing here. Take this new world inside you and feel what freedom seems like. Feel free to see what we really are. Take up this opportunity to have that chanceless encounter with your own naked soul.


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