A letter to a Romantic in doubt

Hey Beautiful! How is it going? I got the feeling that you were losing your belief in me. So here am I.

Whaaat? Who am I? Silly, I know I am the one you keep thinking about. I am the one who keeps thinking about you. I am THE ONE! For you.

Have me met? I am not sure. And I don't even know when we will meet. But meet WE WILL.

After all the Universe is playing our cupid. Yes! It is taking its own time. But that is because we are its favourite. And it wants our love to be perfect. It wants us to be perfect.

Till then we have our own journeys to live. So go and meet people. Have some heartbreaks. Feel the hurt. But do not think you are flawed. You are wonderful. And even if you do not feel it yet, you are getting better. With every single experience. The longing, the pain, the joy. All of this is turning you into someone perfect. Perfect for Me. So do not quit on me. Remember I am on my way. And I am not quitting.

To tell you the truth, I am under the same pressure as well. Everyone wants me to find someone. Fast. They are tired of our waiting. So for their ears I tell them - I want to live my life alone. And while they are busy shaking their heads on this, I add a whisper - Till I meet you.

So today lets promise each other. We will not give up on Love. No matter what the world says. No matter how many times we get fooled into believing that we met and lost. No matter if we have to fight against the world, the time or even us. We are meant to be. So we will be. FOREVER!

A Hopeless Romantic


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